Privacy Policy

We take your privacy seriously and have made our policy as clear as possible so you can be sure that you’re in good hands.


Updated May 30, 2018


1. Introduction

CheckedUp (“us,” “we,” or “CheckedUp”) is committed to respecting the privacy rights of our customers,  visitors, and other users of and the CheckedUp mobile application on iPad (the “Site”) and services provided by CheckedUp through the Site (collectively, the “Services”). We created this Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) to give youconfidence as you visit and use the Services, and to demonstrate our commitment to fair information practices and the protection of privacy. This Privacy Policy is only applicable to our Site and information obtained by us from any of our marketing affiliates, and not to any other websites that you may be able to access from the Site or any website of CheckedUp’s business partners, each of which may have data collection, storage, and use practices and policies that differ materially from this Privacy Policy. Your use of the Services is governed by this Privacy Policy the Terms of Use.



2. Traffic Data Collected

We automatically track and collect the following categories of information when you visit our Site: (1) IP addresses; (2) domain servers; (3) types of computers accessing the Site; (4) types of web browsers used to access the Site; (5) referring source which may have sent you to the Site; and (6) other information associated with the interaction of your browser and the Site (collectively “Traffic”).


3. Personal Information Collected

In order for you to access certain areas of the Site or certain Services where it is important for us to know who you are so that we can best meet your needs, we may require you to provide us with certain information that personally identifies you (“Personal Information”). Personal Information includes the following categories of information: (1) contact data (such as your e-mail address, phone number and CheckedUp password) and (2) demographic data (such as your gender, your date of birth and your zip code). If you communicate with us by, for example, e-mail or letter, any information provided in such communication may be collected as Personal Information.


4. Interactive and Installed Tools

We also collect other information, some of which may be Personal Information that you voluntarily provide to us when you choose to use some of the CheckedUp’s online services. We also collect information you provide voluntarily in free-form text boxes on the Site and through responses to surveys, questionnaires and the like.


5. Cookies

We may use small computer files that are transferred to your computer’s hard drive that contain information such as user ID, user preferences, lists of pages visited and activities conducted while browsing the Site (“Cookies”) to help us improve our Site by tracking your navigation habits and to store some of your preferences. Generally, we use Cookies to customize your experience on our Site and to store your password so you do not have to re-enter it each time you visit the Site. Cookies do not allow our site to gain access to other information on your computer. At your option, expense and responsibility, you may block Cookies or delete Cookies from your hard drive. However, by disabling Cookies, you may not have access to the entire set of features of the Site.

In addition, our business partners may use Cookies to provide us with anonymous data and information regarding the use of our Services. Specifically, some of our business partners use Cookies to show CheckedUp ads on other sites on the internet as a result of you using the Services. Such Cookies do not contain any Personal Information.

Other Cookies used by our business partners may collect other non-personally identifying information, such as the computer’s IP address, type of operating system, type of internet browsing software, what web pages were viewed at what time, the geographic location of your internet service provider and demographic information, such as gender and age range. This information is used to provide CheckedUp with more information about our users’ demographics and internet behaviors.

We do not link the information stored in these Cookies directly to any of your Personal Information you submit while on the Site.


6. Web Beacons

In limited circumstances we also may use tiny graphic image files imbedded in a web page or email that provide a presence on the web page or email and send back to its home server information from the user’s browser (“Web Beacons”) to collect anonymous, non-personal information about your use of our Services and the sites of selected sponsors and advertisers, and your use of emails, special promotions or newsletters we send to you. The information collected by Web Beacons allows us to statistically monitor how many people are using the Services and selected sponsors’ and advertisers’ sites, or opening our emails, and for what purposes.


7. Website Analytics

We may use third party website analytics services in connection with the Services, for example, to record mouse clicks, mouse movements, scrolling activity, as well as any text that you type into the Site. These website analytics services do not collect Personal Information that you do not voluntarily enter into the Site. These services do not track your browsing habits across websites which do not use their services. We use the information collected from these services to find usability problems to make the Services easier to use. The recordings will never identify you or your account; they only record anonymous user information.


8. Storage

We store all Traffic Data and review postings indefinitely, even after “deletion,” and may archive such information elsewhere. We store all Personal Information until you request that we modify or delete it, in which case we may still retain certain Personal Information for the reasons described in Section 20 below.


9. Information Provided on Behalf of Children

CheckedUp does not collect information from children under the age of 13 in accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) as discussed below. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor child, you may, in compliance with the Terms of Use, use the Services on behalf of such minor child. Any information that you provide us while using the Services on behalf of your minor child will be treated as Personal Information as otherwise provided herein.


10. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

COPPA severely restricts what information can be collected from children under the age of 13. For this reason, children under the age of 13 in the United States are prohibited from using the Services. The Services are not directed at children, and CheckedUp does not knowingly collect any information from individuals under the age of 13. If we learn that we have received any information from an individual under the age of 13, we will use that information only to respond directly to that child (or a parent or legal guardian) to inform him or her that he or she cannot use the Services and subsequently we will delete that information from our own servers.


11. CheckedUp’s use of your information

We may use your Personal Information to recommend certain resources or Providers. We may use your contact data to send you information about CheckedUp or our products or Services, to contact you when necessary and in conjunction with your use of certain Interactive Tools. We may use your demographic data, Traffic Data, insurance data or medical data to customize and tailor your experience through the Services, emails and in other communications, displaying content that we think you might be interested in and according to your preferences. Use of the Services may require CheckedUp to use your Personal Information to allow your Providers to refer you to, and make appointments with, other Providers on your behalf. We may also use your anonymized Personal Information to run (or authorize third parties to run) statistical research on individual or aggregate health or medical trends. Such research would only use your Personal Information in an anonymous manner that cannot be tied directly back to you.


12. Sharing of Information

We share certain categories of information we collect from you in the ways described in this Privacy Policy, including as described below:

We may share your contact data, Traffic Data, demographic data, insurance data and medical data with Providers you choose to schedule through the Services.

In order to customize your advertising interactions, we may share Personal Information with marketing affiliates and other third parties only on an aggregate (i.e., anonymized) basis.

We may share your anonymized Personal Information with third parties to enable them to run statistical research on individual or aggregate health or medical trends.

We share Personal Information and Traffic Data with our business partners who assist us by performing core services (such as hosting, billing, fulfillment, or data storage and security) related to our operation of the Services and/or by making certain Interactive Tools available to our users. Those business partners shall be bound to uphold the same standards of security and confidentiality that we have promised to you in this Privacy Policy, and they will only use your contact data and other Personal Information to carry out their specific business obligations to CheckedUp and to provide your requested medical care and services.

We may share your contact data with our subcontractors to enable them to send you CheckedUp promotional materials. These subcontractors will only use your contact data to send you CheckedUp promotional materials.

We may share certain marketing metrics including, but not limited to, anonymized Personal Information and non-personal Information, with our business partners to help determine the effectiveness of certain advertising campaigns.

We may transfer information about you to another company in connection with a merger, sale or acquisition by or of CheckedUp. In this event, we will use reasonable efforts to notify you before information about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy. CheckedUp does not share, sell, rent or trade your Personal Information with any third parties for their promotional purposes.


13. User Choice

You may choose not to provide us with any Personal Information. In such an event, you can still access and use some of the Services; however you will not be able to access and use certain key features of the Services that require your Personal Information.


14. Confidentiality and Security

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, we will keep your Personal Information private and will not share it with third parties, unless we believe in good faith that disclosure of your Personal Information or any other information we collect about you is necessary to: (1) comply with a court order or other legal process; (2) protect the rights, property or safety of CheckedUp or another party; (3) enforce our Terms of Use; or (4) respond to claims that any posting or other content violates the rights of third-parties.


15. Doctors

Doctors, their employees, and their agents should be particularly aware of their obligations of patient confidentiality, including without limitation their obligations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), both in communicating with CheckedUp and in responding to a review of their services posted on our Site. CheckedUp does not have, and will not accept, any obligations of confidentiality with respect to any communications other than those expressly stated in this Privacy Policy and CheckedUp’s Terms of Use.


16. Public Information

Any information that you may reveal in a review posting or other online discussion or forum is intentionally open to the public and is not in any way private. You should think carefully before disclosing any personally identifiable information in any public forum. What you have written may be seen and/or collected by third parties and may be used by others in ways we are unable to control or predict.


17. Security

The security of your Personal Information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. For example, when you enter sensitive information on our Site, we encrypt that information using secure socket layer technology (“SSL”).

Although we make good faith efforts to store Personal Information in a secure operating environment that is not open to the public, you should understand that there is no such thing as complete security, and we do not guarantee that there will be no unintended disclosures of your Personal Information. If we become aware that your Personal Information has been disclosed in a manner not in accordance with this Privacy Policy, we will use reasonable efforts to notify you of the nature and extent of the disclosure (to the extent we know that information) as soon as reasonably possible and as permitted by law.


18. Lost or Stolen Information

You must promptly notify us if your contact data is lost, stolen, or used without permission. In such an event, we will remove that contact data from your account and update our records accordingly.


19. Updates and Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right, at any time, to add to, change, update, or modify this Privacy Policy so please review it frequently. If we do, then we will post the amended Privacy Policy on the Site; we may also attempt to notify you in some other way. In all cases, use of information we collect is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is collected.


20. Controlling your Personal Information

As a registered user of the Services, you can modify some of the Personal Information you have included in your profile or change your username by logging in and accessing your account. Upon your request, CheckedUp will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete your account and the Personal Information in your profile; however, it may be impossible to remove your account without some residual information being retained by CheckedUp. CheckedUp has no obligation to delete any data or information you provide on a Medical History Form following termination of your account or the account of any Provider to whom your Medical History Form was submitted through the Services. Registered users who wish to close their account should email:


21. Links to Other Websites

The Site contains links to third party websites to which CheckedUp has no affiliation. CheckedUp does not share your Personal Information with those websites and is not responsible for their privacy practices. Some websites may have the look and feel of our Site. Please be aware that you may be on a different site and that this Privacy Policy only covers our Site. A link to a non-CheckedUp website does not constitute or imply endorsement by CheckedUp. Additionally, we cannot guarantee the quality or accuracy of information presented on non-CheckedUp websites. Should you decide to visit one of these third party websites, we suggest that you read its privacy policy.


22. Contacts

If you have any comments, concerns or questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at or


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New York, NY 10016


Updated May 30, 2018 Copyright © 2011-2018 iDoc, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
